Well, the lake is frozen. Time for ice fishing and waiting for breakup. Another late spring with delayed snow melt awaits us. Who cares, we live in Bear Lake with the animals.
I worked for Utah Wildlife Resources for years. Anytime the numbers of big game animals declined they blamed it on habitat loss. Homes and cabins being built in prime winter range. Well there is "some truth" in that statement but not a lot. Over the years living in one of those developments that have negatively effected wildlife, I have seen the opposite. Deer and moose love people and their houses. People love them and feel they need to take care and protect them.
Take Bullwinkle for instance. She is a "bum" that drifts through the south end of Bridgerland looking for handouts. She always stops by the Kurek's were there is always food that she can push the deer away from. She would go to the Bourn's but the twins have that place sewed up. She will drift down to Fran Thomas's and share the feed blocks with the deer and turkeys. She will even put up with Maggie barking harmlessly at her. It is a great life and she may even stop at Jim Wilson's if there is anything worthwhile there.
When I was a kid I always watched Bullwinkle on the cartoons. He was teamed up with Rocky the squirrel and they always dealt with Natashia and Boris and of course the scientist whose name slips me. Our present day Bullwinkle is much smarter.
We can all live with the wildlife if we provide them proper habitat and food. Don't feel guilty if you have a cabin in the hills. Most wildlife biologists live in the city and don't have a clue about the real situations.