Monday, April 22, 2013

Gus Rich Point

Well, it is finally gone.  I am sure you are sick and tired of me talking about ice on Bear Lake, but bear (no pun) with me.  The ice left in the midst of a rainstorm, followed by a huge dump of spring snow.  It was wrapped up with a windstorm.  As I had said previously, here today, gone tomorrow.  Ice did stack in some areas.  Of particular interest to me was Gus Rich Point.

Gus Rich was a colorful individual whom I met shortly after arriving at Bear Lake in 1974.  He was an old guy then with his own chair in "Pulleys" Bear Lake Motor Lodge which we all frequented for morning coffee.  Now I am not claiming these facts are accurate, just stories I have heard.  He had the first Ideal Beach which was on the point between Garden City and Laketown.  In the old days he owned a bar with plenty of partying, gambling and even stories of a sunken boat with gold aboard.  I don't recall when Gus passed away but it wasn't long after I came here.

The reason I bring this up is because years ago the ice came off and ran a ground at Gus Rich Point.  It took the front out of the old Bar and completely filled it with chunks if ice.  It almost happened again this year.  The ice stacked up close but didn't do any damage.  History usually repeats itself or the lake just doesn't like buildings close to shore on Gus Rich Point.

I actually believe that the Lake is trying to erode the point off of its shore.  In a map of Bear Lake in the late 1800's the point extended further out.  I would also speculate that the "Rockpile",  are remnants of the point 1000's of years ago. 

Gus Rich Point circa 1985

Gus Rich Point 2013

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