Thursday, January 2, 2025

I am back

 I had forgotten that I had created this blog to go along with my concession business, Cisco's Landing, at the Bear Lake State Park Marina.  My business contract was not renewed in 2014 so it was disassembled and closed along with this blog.  I found it today looking for information on Gus Rich Point.  It has been over ten years since my last post and lots of things have changed at Bear Lake.  I am finally starting to write again after years of inactivity.  I will bring you all up to date in the near future.....

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Well, Memorial Day has finally arrived.  After a long winter and one week of spring it begins.  Many of the seasonal cabin owners make their annual trip to the Lake with lawn mower and weed whacker in tow.  Kids of all ages are hauled along to do yard work and help clean the cabin.  I think many residents here wonder why all the work but I think folks generally enjoy it.  As they work they can think of all the fun times ahead for them.

During the winter, I thought that is should redo my website at Cisco's Landing.  My existing website was ten years old and I thought it was time for a change.  I also wanted to let customers pay for their reservation deposit online.  As a guy who was an adult before public computers started I have had to teach myself about their intricacies for 40 years.  I have spent far more time figuring out programs and how to, use them than I ever have done generating something.  My son-in-law Jeff, who designed my first wouldn't tell me how to manage it for fear I would screw something up.  My experience with website design is limited so I though I would involve a web designer.  I would have gone to the guys in town but they are overwhelmed.  I have had a lot of experience with training East Indians how to drive boats so I though they could help me with a website. Two months later I have learned to use my Skype and am in the process of learning WordPress, something I never knew existed.  I also got to know some interesting people in India. The first cut is done and is now live at  I am happy so far and I hope to be able to learn enough to manage it.  Check it out.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bear Lake Weather

Over the last forty years I have looked down on Bear Lake thousands of times from every vantage point possible.  I know, in my inner being, that Bear Lake is alive.  Created by "Mother Earth" over 200,000 years ago.   I would give anything to have seen it during those eras.

I am fortunate, through an unplanned series of events, to have spent my adult life here and have no plans to leave.  Every time I look at the lake, it shows me something different.  An infinite number of shades of blue and gray reflect off its water.  Storms, whitecaps, glass, the moon and its sunrises and sunsets all combine with color to provide views that are unsurpassed.

I guess this mid-May snow squall along the east shore caused me to be in a reflective mood this afternoon.  The fact that I took it from the old Rocky Point turn that has such a history also gave me pause.  I felt as if I should share my thought with you....  

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Darcaena fragrans

April has been rather uneventful cool/cold and windy at Bear Lake.  Hand to renew my Food Handlers Manager permit to make sure everything is tasty and safe at Cisco's.  People are ready to return to their slips but don't want to fight the cold, windy weather.  I guess all of the trailered sailboats need to be out of the parking lot by next weekend.  Summer is starting to squirm.

One a personal note, the other when I came in the house I smelled something different but didn't know what was.  The next night Doreen was complaining of a horrible smell but to me it smelled like flowers but I hadn't bought any.  Then I saw what it was.  Years ago (20+) we bought a corn plant because they were big and cheap.  It has persisted since then, even freezing out on the deck when we were adding on.  No plants die naturally in our house, even with neglect, because of all the light sources.  So this old thing, droopy and dust covered stood in the corner and is now about six feet tall.

I was shocked to see that is was flowering.  I had never seen flowers on one.  It is native to central Africa and has a horrible scientific name Dracaena fragrans.  Later the sickening, sweet fragrance filled the house and Doreen was ready to hack them off.  But since corn plants live up to forty years and usually only flower once, I couldn't do it.  The following morning there was no smell and all the flowers looked like they died. At about 5:00 pm I smelled it again and all the flowers were out.  I guess it has evolved to flower in the steaming jungle in the afternoon when the hummingbirds are out pollinate it.  Nature continues to fascinate me.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cisco's Carp

They never fail to amaze me.  The water temperature is their calendar.  They have been on the silty bottom of the Bear Lake Marina since November.  The temperature of the water has hovered just above freezing, little light has penetrated the ice and there have been no currents.  Life inside the Marina is much different than out in the lake where the water is always moving, there is more oxygen and billions of small fish eggs.  But here they stay,year after year, in a state of suspended animation, waiting for vibrations from the docks, and the beginning of manna from Heaven.

I am at Cisco's more now, getting ready for the summer.  As I peered over the dock I could see shadowy figures, barely moving, deep in the water.  I got a hot dog bun left over in the freezer, broke it up and threw is on the surface.  It seemed like forever before the forms, squeezing out the antifreeze from their veins, came to the surface with their yellow lips and whiskers and had their first food for months.

The Cisco Carp have come alive.  What a great summer they have ahead of them.  I am sure their long wait will be worth it.

Summer will be here before we know it so make your reservations now.  I am presently working with suppliers so if you need anything like tubes, wake boards, water toys or marine products email me at and I can have them here before summer starts cheaper than you can get them anywhere else. I also have some new Hyperlite boards and boots from past years that I am going to sell cheap this year.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bear Lake Islands

As the ice recedes, I see that there are two new islands on the south side of  Bear Lake.  I have taken the liberty to name them,  The little one on the left is named "Temporary Island" and the big one on the right is "Sand Castle Island.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Anyone who follows me, knows I am obsessed with turkeys and spend a lot of time driving in Logan Canyon.  Today on my way back from the spring like weather in Cache Valley to the snow in the upper canyon, I passed Rick Springs and noticed something off  the side of the road.  I was astounded to see a tom turkey with the longest beard I had ever seen.  Beards are actually feathers that look like coarse hair and the length is determined by age.  How had he survived the winter up that high and what did he eat?  Only the turkey knows.  They are truly a remarkable bird.  No wonder Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey as the National Bird instead of the bald eagle.

The picture is not of the turkey I saw today.  He had a much longer beard. Too early to be strutting.